Just Transitions Summit
Saturday April 5, 2025 10:45am - 12:00pm EDT
As people worldwide struggle with ecological and climate disasters, it is clear climate change is not a vague threat on the horizon. Workers in almost every sector have heard abstract promises of divestment and carbon neutrality from their companies. But as Maine lacks midwinter snow and wildfires engulf miles of Los Angeles, we must wonder: is capitalism capable of the change we need? Is it really possible to halt the march of climate change while capitalist competition dominates? 

The Independent Socialist Group (ISG) - which operates in solidarity with the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) - understands that because the climate crisis spans borders, its solutions must, too. To save the planet, workers everywhere must create a mass movement of workers and youth for climate justice, and a just transformation of society. But what exactly would this look like? What strategies can workers - both union and nonunion - take up to help make this a reality? 

Not only do we need to fight to protect workers from being left behind in a greener economy, but workers must take the lead role in transforming our economic system from a polluting, rapacious capitalism to one that defends our homes, our future, and our climate.

In turn, we hope to ask (and hopefully answer) key questions during our roundtable discussion, such as: What would it mean to take energy and utility companies into democratic public ownership? Where in working class history can we look for wisdom? Is it possible to expand public transportation to provide high-speed, accessible transit funded by taxing polluting industries? How is a “united front” different from a “popular front,” and why does this matter in combating climate change? How might we connect with workers across borders and sectors?

Nick Wurst

Legislative and Safety Representative, General Secretary, SMART-TD Local 1473, Railroad Workers United
Nick Wurst is a railroad worker from Massachusetts with over 5 years, first as an intermodal worker and currently as a freight train conductor and locomotive engineer. He is the Legislative and Safety Representative for SMART-TD Local 1473 and also serves as the General Secretary... Read More →

William Ntsoane

Mechanical Engineer
William Ntsoane is a mechanical engineer for a local ocean engineering consultancy. His realms of interest include issues of renewable energy, the circular economy, and economic development.

Milena Germon

MSW Student, UMGWU-UAW Member, University of Southern Maine
Milena Germon is currently a full-time MSW student at the University of Southern Maine with over 5 years of experience working in the nonprofit world. She is also a graduate research assistant in the social work department, and proud part of the USM Graduate Workers Union effort... Read More →
Saturday April 5, 2025 10:45am - 12:00pm EDT
Abromson Room 215 88 Bedford St, Portland, ME 04101

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