Just Transitions Summit
Friday April 4, 2025 1:45pm - 3:00pm EDT
"Just give me somethin' to break" - Limp Bizkit

Join assistant professor of Digital Art Janna Ahrndt and MS in Computer Science Nick Largey in a discussion about the environmental and labor impacts of AI and the widening gap between developers and users through a hands-on data and circuit bending workshop. We'll dissect discarded electronics and manipulate digital data, turning frustration into art. Even if we can't save the world, you'll walk away with a newfound appreciation for the ethics of the glitch.

Please bring a laptop to this workshop if you are able to.

Nick Largey

MS in Computer Science
avatar for Janna Ahrndt

Janna Ahrndt

Assistant Professor of Digital Art, University of Southern Maine
Janna Ahrndt is unable to focus, and her medium-agnostic art practice seems to reflect that fact often making work utilizing creative coding, video, textiles, and altered household electronics. Born to a working-class family in Northern Indiana, their work follows themes of labor... Read More →
Friday April 4, 2025 1:45pm - 3:00pm EDT
TBD Abromson Community Education Center, 88 Bedford St, Portland, ME 04101

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