Vivian Price, PhD, Professor at California State University, Dominguez Hills & former union electrician, is a researcher and filmmaker for US and international projects on labor and climate justice. She was a Fulbright scholar at the University of Liverpool, a Fulbright specialist in Norway, working with the
WAGE team at the University of Oslo on the perspective of oil workers on climate change, where she directed
Talking Union, Talking Climate.. She’s a member of the
Climate Industry Research Team for the Canadian Building Trades Union on climate literacy in the construction industry. She is directing short films as part of “Transition: action, concepts, debates and strategies - an international comparison,” a study based in the Leeds School of Business and Is a visiting scholar at the University of Eastern Finland working on a film on workers and environmentalists in the context of Finnish forest climate sink as well as serving on the research team for the Critical Minerals Just Transition Listening Project (Sloan Foundation).
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